Noticing hair fall everyday ??? It could still be considered normal !!
Hair fall can get quite disturbing , though it is a normal part of life. It is experienced by all of us on a daily basis. I'm going to help you understand how much of hair fall is normal in a day and when should you really start to worry about it and start seeking treatments. Hair loss on daily basis Just like we to lose old and dead skin on a regular basis it is also vital to lose old and dead hair on a regular basis (not to forget hair is made of dead material called keratin). Hair loss is a part of the natural hair growth cycle and is an essential part of growing new and healthy hair . Each hair follicle goes through a longer growing phase (Anagen) followed by short period of resting phase(catagen) during which the hair follicle is still attached to the scalp but it is no longer active. It then enters the falling phase (telogen) and once the old hair sheds it creates a space for a new hair follicle to grow. That's why many of us notice hair while ...